My Floramedia
With our convenient online tool, My Floramedia, you can easily and quickly review, approve, and order your items. Anytime and from anywhere, you can access your current data with a personalized login.

Why should you use My Floramedia?
All your series and labels at a glance
Save up to 50% of your time when editing and ordering your labels
24/7 access – edit and order anytime
Transparent and traceable at every step of the process
Log in now and see for yourself!
You don't have login credentials yet?
Contact us!
We Are Here for You
Start ordering your labels through My Floramedia today and save time on reviewing and approving.
- Don’t have login credentials yet?
- Have questions about the tool?
- Or would you like an introduction for yourself or your team?
No problem! Contact your Floramedia representative or reach out directly to our My Floramedia team.

My Floramedia Webinar
We now offer detailed and non-binding webinars where you can learn more about My Floramedia, explore its new features, and ask your own questions. The webinar typically lasts 30 minutes.
- Comprehensive overview of My Floramedia and its different sections
- Introduction to key features: reviewing, approving, and ordering
- Addressing any open questions
We look forward to your participation!
Everything at a Glance
My.Proofs - Correction and Approval Tool
- Faster correction and approval process
- Every correction step is traceable
- More efficient work through increased transparency
- PDF export available
- Corrections from different people on the same file, keeping everything clear
- Edit and approve items at any time

My.Orders - Series Management and Ordering Tool
- All series at a glance
- Simple and straightforward series management
- Easy and clear ordering process
- Order details are pre-filled from the start
- Compatible with your inventory management system
- Order list import available
- Order 24/7 – anytime, anywhere

My order history / Current orders
- All past and current orders at a glance
- Transparent order information
- Easily and quickly reorder a previous order