Brand development: Fridulin - the happy strawberry
Erich Janssen Erdbeerkulturen
The project
Fridulin – the happy strawberry is the name of a successful brand developed by Floramedia for Janssen Erdbeerkulturen. The goal was to create recognition and long-term brand awareness, thereby achieving differentiation from competitors.
The Happy Strawberry
First, life was breathed into the strawberry, so that it would appeal to both parents and children on an emotional level. This led to the creation of a colorful logo as the foundation for the design of the new strawberry brand. The target group, children, was a clear focus during the conceptualization. This translated into the use of various marketing materials, such as labels, garden cards, and consumer flyers with valuable information about the different varieties, ensuring maximum visibility. In this case, cross-selling also offers great potential beyond the primary target group, as Fridulin, in the form of a strawberry sparkling wine, has also gained popularity among "grown-up" consumers.
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